Offers a safe alternative to latex resistance tubes without compromising performance.
The protection sleeve virtually removes the risks associated with latex tube failure and also extends the life of the latex tube.
Supplied with a 12 page A5 resistance training and usage guide covering 19 key resistance exercises.
Also includes a door attachment that enables you to turn the Resistance Trainer into a virtual gym.
Available in 4x strengths: Light, Medium, Strong and Extra Strong.
Offers a safe alternative to latex resistance tubes without compromising performance.
The protection sleeve virtually removes the risks associated with latex tube failure and also extends the life of the latex tube.
Supplied with a 12 page A5 resistance training and usage guide covering 19 key resistance exercises.
Also includes a door attachment that enables you to turn the Resistance Trainer into a virtual gym.
Available in 4x strengths: Light, Medium, Strong and Extra Strong.