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Cricket Bat Knocking-In

The Full Works:-
which includes (Oiling, Knocking in with machine, Edging by hand) - £22.50 

If the Bat is not bought in store (add £12.50) 
For an additional 3600 knocks (add £10.00) 

Knocking in Only: 
3600 Machine Knocks ONLY £20.00 
7200 Machine Knocks ONLY £25.00 
10,800 Machine Knocks ONLY £30.00 

Edges by hand: ONLY £8.00 

Re-Gripping (£3.00 labour if grip is bought in store) 

Re-Gripping if grip is not bought in store (add additional £2.00)

Fit New Toe Guard (add £16.00 for labour)

**We also offer a bat repair service but each job is priced individually once we have assessed the repair**